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MBBCh(Rand), MSc(MEL, UNE), FRCS(Edin), FAM(Sing, Plast Surg), FRACS(Plast Surg)
A/Prof Song completed his basic and specialist training in South Africa. He was Head of Department at the University of the Witwatersrand group of teaching hospitals for 7 years. He migrated to Singapore in 1997 practising at the Singapore General Hospital for the next 16 years, also assuming headship at SGH 2004 to 2012. Hereafter he conducted private practice until 2015, when he moved to Perth, tasked with the set-up of a new department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at the state of the art & flagship for WA, the Fiona Stanley Hospital.

His helming at each of the major hospitals in all 3 countries bestowed upon him the responsibility of training generations of plastic surgeons, thus demanding the many skills and experience to qualify as a mentor & teacher. He also serves as faculty at Curtin Medical School in the Education department.

His major interests include aesthetic surgery (boasting an experience in Caucasian, African & Asian clients), microsurgical reconstruction, skin cancers, skin malignancies & chronic wounds.

Aesthetic surgery armamentarium is comprehensive with special interest in facial aesthetics. Modalities in this sphere include autogenous fat transfer, facelift, brow lift, eyelid, nose & hair loss surgery. Nonsurgical methods – laser, radiofrequency & other forms of light energy, botulinum toxin administration and other filler technologies. A/Prof Song is a proponent of the concept of Comprehensive Facial Aesthetics - that aging is an unstoppable process that affects all layers of the integument. In order to delay the effects of aging & to maintain the fresh look demands means other than surgery & the concept of maintenance which includes lifestyle changes.

Research interests of late also includes the science of antiaging with concepts of the gut & skin microbiome being forefront in how we learn to live healthily, happily & confidently.
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About AMCC
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Perth Medical Cosmetic
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Skin Conditions
Tattoo Removal
Non-Surgical Face Lift
Redness / Rosacea
Scar Therapy
Skin Tightening
Pore Refining
Contouring / Sculpting
Stretch Marks
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419 Canning Hwy, Como 6152 08 9313 3796
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